c++ - Cannot open include file: 'graphics.h': No such file or directory -

i using #include "graphics.h" in c++.
using visual studio 2008 ide.
problem can't build code.
don't know how solve error , do.
stuck! please help!
here code...

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include "graphics.h" #include<stdlib.h> #include<dos.h>  char game[3][3]; void screen(void); void introducing(void); void input(void); void circle(int,int); void cross(int,int);  void main(void) { int gd=detect, gm, errorcode;   /* request auto detection */ char msg[80]; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"\\tc\\bgi"); /* initialize graphics */ errorcode = graphresult();      /* read result of initialization */ if(errorcode != grok) { printf("graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("press key halt:"); getch(); exit(1); } cleardevice(); introducing(); getche(); cleardevice(); screen(); getche(); closegraph(); }   void introducing(void)                   /*introduction of project*/ {     setbkcolor(5);     int loop;     setcolor(1);     int r,c;     settextstyle(5,0,3);     outtextxy(250,200,"loading...");     rectangle(90,140,510,180); for(r=0;r<100;r++) { for(c=0;c<100;c++) { bar(100+c,150,400+c,170);              /*loading bar*/ delay(100); } break; } cleardevice(); settextstyle(7,0,4); outtextxy(20,150,"we present game tic tac toe!"); delay(2100); (loop=0; loop<500; loop++) { setcolor(11); settextstyle(3,0,1); outtextxy(640-(loop+130),10,"in name of allah, gracious , merciful!");            /*text moving right left*/ settextstyle(7,0,3); outtextxy(30,300+(loop-300),"made by:urooj sohail & taleaa ghori");                                       /*text moving top bottom*/ cleardevice(); } settextstyle(3,0,1); outtextxy(640-(500+130),10,"in name of allah, gracious , merciful!"); settextstyle(7,0,3); outtextxy(30,400,"made by:urooj sohail & taleaa ghori"); se ttextstyle(7,0,4); setcolor(4); outtextxy(10,100,"welcome! you(x) v/s computer(0)"); outtextxy(200,150,"press enter"); }   void screen(void)               /*game board*/ { setbkcolor(9); { settextstyle(5,0,8); outtextxy(70,300,"tic tac toe"); }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       setfillstyle(13,4); bar(200,120,410,330);                   /*setting background of board*/ int row,col; for(row=0;row<=200;row=row+70) { for(col=0;col<=200;col=col+70) { setcolor(0); rectangle(200+col,120+row,270+col,190+row);        /*drawing board of 9 boxes*/ } } input();                        /*taking input through function*/ }  void input() { int x,y; printf("enter x co-ordinate -- "); scanf("%d",&x); printf("enter y co-ordinate -- "); scanf("%d",&y); } /* for(int x=0;x<=2;x++) { for(int y=0;y<=2;y++) { if(game[x][y]=='x') cross(x,y); if(game[x][y]=='o') circle(x,y); } }  if(game[x-1][y-1]=='*') game[x-1][y-1]='x'; /*if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[0][0])          /*drawing circle circle(235,155,20); if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[0][1]) circle(305,155,20); if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[0][2])             /*till 1st row circle(375,155,20);  if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[1][0]) circle(235,225,20); if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[1][1]) circle(305,225,20); if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[1][2]) circle(375,225,20);                         /*till 2nd row  if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[2][0]) circle(235,295,20); if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[2][1]) circle(305,295,20); if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[2][2])             /*till 3rd row circle(375,295,20);   if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[0][0])              /*drawing cross line(215,135,255,175); line(255,135,215,175); if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[0][1]) line(285,135,325,175); line(325,135,285,175); if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[0][2]) line(355,135,395,175);                      /*till 1st row* line(395,135,355,175);  if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[1][0]) line(215,205,255,245); line(255,205,215,245); if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[1][1]) line(285,205,325,245); line(325,205,285,245); if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[1][2]) line(355,205,395,245);                      /*till 2nd row* line(395,205,355,245);  if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[2][0]) line(215,275,255,315); line(255,275,215,315); if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[2][1]) line(285,275,325,315); line(325,275,285,315); if(game[x-1][y-1]==game[2][2])               *till 3rd row* line(355,275,395,315); line(395,275,355,315); } */ 

are chance trying use features borland graphics interface 16-bit dos applications?



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