devexpress - How to Get row by key value or visible index in ASPxGridView then change column value? -

in aspxgridview, there way row visibleindex or keyvalue can change column value in it?, mean this:

var row = mygrid.selectrowbykeyvalue(mykeyvalue); or: var row = mygrid.selectrowbyvisibleindex(mykeyvalue);    row["column1"] = true;  

i'm tring every time hit button want check 1 specific row (i'm using ajax not reload page);


this can done using aspxgridview.getrow() method. note, changing value in datarow not enough. if want these changes preserved, save them db.

since using unbound columns, should handle customunboundcolumndata event , provide modified data row within event handler. common approach described in providing data unbound columns topic. if not help, please describe in greater details.


your approach incorrect. aspxgridview not provide method set text of cell (td). instead, should force grid raise customunboundcolumndata event. can done using aspxgridview's databind method. in event handler, should determine keyfield value of processed row, compare keyfield value of row button clicked , return required value. how implement feature...


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