flash - ActionScript errors when Swf embedded into HTML -

hey using swf object embed swf html page. when compile swf there no errors yet when embed web page keep getting thrown either 1 of these 2 errors first time page loads in safari , chrome

typeerror: error #1009: cannot access property or method of null object reference @ tracks/loadflashvars() @ tracks/init() @ tracks

securityerror: error #2000: no active security context.

in firefox thrown same errors everytime page loads. swf loads other swfs , and have xml loaders thought maybe base swf not being loaded before code run have been playing around settimeout(); try , make work around unsure if correct or if embed code wrong, can see below.

there live version here http://music-shed.org/tracks/ 

any hints or tips appreciated.

can't tell you're trying because haven't shown as3 code. however, if you're trying load files remote location you'll need load cross domain policy that's held @ end.

security.allowdomain("*"); security.allowinsecuredomain("*"); security.loadpolicyfile("http://somedomain.com/crossdomain.xml"); 

this might out.


maybe try new embed code:

<object width="300" height="200">     <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />     <embed wmode="transparent" src="/resource/flash/tracks.swf" width="300" height="200"></embed> </object> 


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