sql - Localizable strings in JPA -

to solve need localized dynamic (user created, stored in db) data in java ee 6 project, made general localized string table capable of storing string in language. avoid having make ~15 tables containing names stuff. know 2 things:

1) think good or bad idea, , why? 2) know know of clean solution issue listed under cons?

my experiences:

pros: 1 table needed, general solution easy configure both in jpa , db. duplicated code nonexistant.

cons: big issue find due muiltilingual_string table knowing objects using it, cascade deletes won't work sql (but works in jpa orphanremoval). produces possibilities "dead" strings remain in database if worked outside jpa.

the entities: (abstractentity mapped superclass containing @id , @version)

@entity @table(schema = "competence", name = "multilingual_string") public class multilingualstring extends abstractentity{      @elementcollection(fetch=fetchtype.eager)     @mapkey(name = "language")     @collectiontable(schema = "competence", name = "multilingual_string_map",                      joincolumns = @joincolumn(name = "string_id"))     private map<language, localizedstring> map = new hashmap<language, localizedstring>();      public multilingualstring() {}      public multilingualstring(language lang, string text) {         addtext(lang, text);     }      public void addtext(language lang, string text) {         map.put(lang, new localizedstring(lang, text));     }      public string gettext(language lang) {         if (map.containskey(lang)) {             return map.get(lang).gettext();         }         return null;     }      public localizedstring getlocalizedstring(language lang){         if(map.get(lang) == null)             map.put(lang, new localizedstring(lang, null));         return map.get(lang);     }      @override     public multilingualstring clone(){         multilingualstring ms = new multilingualstring();         for(localizedstring s : map.values())             ms.addtext(s.getlanguage(), s.gettext());         return ms;     }      @override     public string tostring() {         return getid() == null ? "null " + this.getclass().getname() : getid().tostring();     } }  @embeddable public class localizedstring {      @joincolumn(name="lang_id")     private language language;      @column(name="text")     private string text;      public localizedstring() {     }      public localizedstring(language language, string text) {         this.language = language;         this.text = text;     }      public language getlanguage() {         return language;     }      public void setlanguage(language language) {         this.language = language;     }      public string gettext() {         return text;     }      public void settext(string text) {         this.text = text;     }  } 

the classes used following in other entities:

@onetoone(cascade=cascadetype.all, orphanremoval=true) @joincolumn(name = "summary_stringid") private multilingualstring summary; 

the tables:

multilingual_string (     id bigint primary key );  multilingual_string_map (     string_id bigint foreign key references multilingual_string(id),      lang_id bigint foreign key references lang(id),     text varchar(2000 char),     primary key(string_id, lang_id) ); 

are used following:

competence (     id bigint primary key,     name_id bigint foreign key references multilingual_string(id) ); 

one question see not seem work cascading of resourcebundle.

in resourcebundle, if locale es_es, first localized version in es_es, if not find try in es , if not, default string (in case fails show #string_id string). have .en dictionary, .en_uk expressions particular united kingdom, , .en_us expressions particular us, , in en_uk , en_us put keys needed.

with system, looks @ current locale without allowing of these options, have redefine values each locales. so, in above example, have put value each key both en_uk , en_us.


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