android - How to get primary email address on 1.6? -

is there way primary email address on android 1.6 ? if yes, please suggest me.

thank in advance.

see sohilv's answer this question.he says:
download framework.jar from: , add build path. sort of interface google device functions. call method: activity, int requestcode, boolean requiregoogle);

where: activity: activity result in onactivityresult() requestcode: code requiregoogle: should true

ex. googleloginservicehelper.getaccount(mactivity, 123, true);

3.override onactivityresult() like:

protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode,      intent data) {              super.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, data);              if(requestcode == 123){                  system.out.println(resultcode);                  string key = "accounts";                  system.out.println(key + ":" +      arrays.tostring(data.getextras().getstringarray(key)));                  string accounts[] = data.getextras().getstringarray(key);                  if(accounts != null){                     int = 0;                     for(string ac : accounts){  //each account full      email address registered device                          system.out.println("ac " + + "=" + ac);                           i++;                     }                  }         }  

original post here


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