android - Widget 4x2 - appwidget-provider minWidth and minHeight for all resolution -

i'm working on 4x2 widget size, , wonder appwidget-provider declaration, want widget works hdpi - ldpi - mdpi screen :

<appwidget-provider xmlns:android="" android:minwidth="294dp" android:minheight="144dp" android:initiallayout="@layout/widget_message" android:configure="fr.cdcorp.homewidget.configurationactivity.wdwidgetconfiguration" android:updateperiodmillis="43200000"  /> 
  1. are these settings (android:minwidth="294dp" andandroid:minheight="144dp" ) ldpi , mdpi?
  2. do need detect screen size , set programaticaly different minwidth , minheight medium , lowscreen size?
  3. the layout use background image 294px x 144px -16bit, need have lower resolution in drawable-hdpi, drawable-mdpi, drawable-ldpi?
  4. furthermore, need change programmaticaly image background, need test screen size , put correct image it?

thanks answers ! christophe.


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