Java read values from text file -

i new java. have 1 text file below content.

 `trace` - structure(  list(   "a" = structure(c(0.748701,0.243802,0.227221,0.752231,0.261118,0.263976,1.19737,0.22047,0.222584,0.835411)),   "b" = structure(c(1.4019,0.486955,-0.127144,0.642778,0.379787,-0.105249,1.0063,0.613083,-0.165703,0.695775))  ) )   

now want is, need "a" , "b" 2 different array list.

you need read file line line. done bufferedreader :

try {     fileinputstream fstream = new fileinputstream("input.txt");     bufferedreader br = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(fstream));     string strline;              int linenumber = 0;     double [] = null;     double [] b = null;     // read file line line     while ((strline = br.readline()) != null) {         linenumber++;         if( linenumber == 4 ){             = getdoublearray(strline);         }else if( linenumber == 5 ){             b = getdoublearray(strline);         }                    }     // close input stream     in.close();     //print contents of     for(int = 0; < a.length; i++){         system.out.println("a["+i+"] = "+a[i]);     }            } catch (exception e) {// catch exception if     system.err.println("error: " + e.getmessage()); } 

assuming "a" and"b" on fourth , fifth line of file, need call method when these lines met return array of double :

private static double[] getdoublearray(string strline) {     double[] a;     string[] split = strline.split("[,)]"); //split line @ ',' , ')' characters     = new double[split.length-1];     for(int = 0; < a.length; i++){         a[i] = double.parsedouble(split[i+1]); //get double value of string     }     return a; } 

hope helps. still highly recommend reading java i/o , string tutorials.


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