parse xml namespace with php -

this question has answer here:

i have been trying extract data xml file google calendar not success namespaced stuff.

it gd , gcal data having problems - i've searched on , haven't been able work :(

any appreciated! :)

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <entry xmlns='' xmlns:gcal='' xmlns:gd=''> <id></id> <published>2011-05-03t07:45:56.000z</published> <updated>2011-05-03t07:45:56.000z</updated> <category scheme='' term=''/> <title type='text'>title</title> <content type='text'>content</content> <link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='' title='alternate'/> <link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/> <author> <name></name> <email></email> </author> <gd:comments> <gd:feedlink href=''/> </gd:comments> <gd:eventstatus value=''/> <gd:where/> <gd:who email='' rel='' valuestring='tv2'/> <gd:when endtime='2011-05-10t22:50:00.000+01:00' starttime='2011-05-10t22:25:00.000+01:00'/> <gd:transparency value=''/> <gcal:anyonecanaddself value='false'/> <gcal:guestscaninviteothers value='true'/> <gcal:guestscanmodify value='false'/> <gcal:guestscanseeguests value='true'/> <gcal:sequence value='0'/> <gcal:uid value=''/> </entry> 

and php code far is:

<?php $source = "data2.xml"; $xmlstr = file_get_contents($source); $parsexmlfile = new simplexmlelement($xmlstr); echo $parsexmlfile->id[0]; echo "<br>"; echo $parsexmlfile->title[0]; echo "<br>"; echo $parsexmlfile->content[0]; ?> 

checkout answer:

basically recommends using xpath call, eg.

$xml = new simplexmlelement($r);  foreach($xml->xpath('//event:event') $event) {     var_export($event->xpath('event:sessionkey')); } 


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