jquery tabs in ajax mode change source -

i trying change source of particular jquery tab (ajax mode) created. have 5 tabs when user clicks on second tab after 50 seconds source url of iframe needs change (only once).

i know need use select code below determine when user clicked on tab not know start. thank help. code appreciated.

select: function(event, ui)     <div id="example">      <ul>          <li><a href="ahah_1.html"><span>content 1</span></a></li>          <li><a href="ahah_2.html"><span>content 2</span></a></li>          <li><a href="ahah_3.html"><span>content 3</span></a></li>      </ul> </div> 

here's how i've done this.

change url using built in function. changing url in "a" tag won't anything, because link changes when bound tab layout.:

$("#tabdiv").tabs("url", tabindex, newlink); 

now url updated, content stays same, refresh tab this:

$("#tabdiv").tabs("load", $("#tabdiv").tabs("option","selected")); 

or if want switch tab this:

$("#tabdiv").tabs("load", tabindex); 


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