mysql - Best way to simulate default value for TEXT column using Ruby on Rails? -

i'm using text column in mysql database. documentation says, not possible set default value these columns.

i'm using following code simulate behavior:

class data   before_save lambda {text_column ||= ''} end 

is there better, more railis/active_record way this?

if you're happy html5 solution, have tried :placeholder attribute on :text_field?

also want stuff text_field (which captures small amount of text) "text" type column? did mean text_area?

if want "default value" stored in database if user doesnt input suggest following. it's "factory" pattern.

instead of calling "new" on activerecord model class, create "setup" method in model

def self.setup(params = {})   new(params).tap |v|     v.text_column = "default value"     # other defaultings   end end 

in controller instead of calling new on class call setup.


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