Working with tags in Tkinter text widget using python -

i'm trying color text in tkinter text widget of tags in way:

text = self.text_field.get(1.0, 'end') #text_field text widget s = re.findall("\d+", text) in s:     self.text_field.tag_add(i, '1.0', 'end')     self.text_field.tag_configure(i, background='yellow',                                    font='helvetica 14 bold', relief='raised') 

the idea tags being dynamically created, because numbers text widget , can have length. code colors text in widget, need numbers colored.

any suggestions?

when do

tag_add(i, '1.0', 'end') 

you're making tag covers whole text field. need add text on numbers, using .start() , .stop() methods of regex match.

there's example doing syntax highlighting here:


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