Clojure Agent question - using send-off -
i have couple of questions following code:
(import '(java.awt color graphics dimension) '(java.awt.image bufferedimage) '(javax.swing jpanel jframe)) (def width 900) (def height 600) (defn render [g] (let [img (new bufferedimage width height (. bufferedimage type_int_argb)) bg (. img (getgraphics))] (doto bg (.setcolor (. color white)) (.fillrect 0 0 (. img (getwidth)) (. img (getheight))) (.setcolor (. color red)) (.drawoval 200 200 (rand-int 100) (rand-int 50))) (. g (drawimage img 0 0 nil)) (. bg (dispose)) )) (def panel (doto (proxy [jpanel] [] (paint [g] (render g))) (.setpreferredsize (new dimension width height)))) (def frame (doto (new jframe) (.add panel) .pack .show)) (def animator (agent nil)) (defn animation [x] (send-off *agent* #'animation) (. panel (repaint)) (. thread (sleep 100))) (send-off animator animation)
- in animation function - why
used before animation in send-off? - why
@ start of animation function work? shouldn't go start of animation function again , never execute repaint , sleep methods? is there disadvantage, compared original, in writing animation function as:
(defn animation [x] (. panel (repaint)) (. thread (sleep 100)) (send-off *agent* animation))
in animation function - why #' used before animation in send-off?
to demonstrate clojure's dynamic nature.
the form #'animation
var, 1 of clojure's mutable reference types. defn
macro creates var. convenience, invoking var refers function same invoking function itself. var, unlike function, can change! redefine #'animation
@ clojure repl , see effects.
using (send-off *agent* #'animation)
forces clojure of current value of #'animation
var every time. if code had used (send-off *agent* animation)
instead, clojure value once, , not possible change animation function without stopping loop.
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