r - How to label the barplot in ggplot with the labels in another test result? -

i label plot label output of test, eg., lsd test output (a, b, ab, etc) using lsd.test in library agricolae. here running example.

library(ggplot2)  library(agricolae) wt<-gl(3,4,108,labels=c("w30","w60","w90"))  pl<-gl(3,12,108,labels=c("p0","p1","p2"))  gp<-gl(3,36,108,labels=c("a","b","c"))   dat<-cbind(   a=runif(108),   b=runif(108,min=1,max=10),   c=runif(108,min=100,max=200),   d=runif(108,min=1000,max=1500) )  dat.df<-data.frame(wt,pl,gp,dat)  dat.m<-melt(dat.df)   ggplot(dat.m,aes(x=wt,y=value,group=pl,facet=gp,fill=pl))+            stat_summary(fun.y=mean,geom="bar",size=2,position="dodge")+            stat_summary(fun.ymin=function(x)(mean(x)-sd(x)/sqrt(length(x))),geom="errorbar",    fun.ymax=function(x)(mean(x)+sd(x)/sqrt(length(x))),position="dodge")+   facet_grid(variable~facet,scale="free_y")+    opts(legend.position="top")+                         scale_colour_manual(values = c("red", "blue", "green")) 

normally, in other library, tested data, , pass label text plot, possible in ggplot? eg., in stat_summary(), use lsd.test within fun.y?

the plot example

to achieve this, have create label layer using geom_text , specify own dataset.

expanding on example in lsd.test in package agricolae:

library(agricolae) library(ggplot2)  data(sweetpotato) model <- aov(yield~virus, data=sweetpotato) lsd <- lsd.test(model,"virus",p.adj="bon")  ggplot() +    stat_summary(data=sweetpotato, aes(x=virus, y=yield), fun.y=mean, geom="bar") +   geom_text(data=lsd, aes(x=trt, y=means, label=round(means, 1)), vjust=0) 

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