ajax - JavaScript to get user input from editable table cell and send to server via json -

i created table 5 columns dynamically. 2 (the second , third column) of 5 columns should editable on fly. each time when user click on 1 editable table cell, javascript should catch user input , send data server in json format. have problem catch user input , send server. please help. sample code -

<!doctype html> <html> <head>   <title>editable table</title>      <style type="text/css" title="currentstyle">                 @import "css/table.css";      </style>     <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>     </head> <body id="dt_example">     <div id="container">         <div class="full_width big">                 data table<br />                         </div>      <div class="editab">         <table border="1">             <thead>                 <tr>                     <th>contract number</th>                     <th>current status</th>                                          <th>sale balance amount</th>                     <th>interest rate</th>                     <th>discount</th>                 </tr>             </thead>             <tbody>                 <tr>                                     <td>00123</td>                     <td onclick="edittablecell(this)">a30</td>                     <td onclick="edittablecell(this)">$1,500.00</td>                     <td>3.99 %</td>                     <td>140</td>                 </tr>                 <tr>                                     <td>00234</td>                     <td onclick="edittablecell(this)">b20</td>                     <td onclick="edittablecell(this)">$2,500.00</td>                     <td>3.99 %</td>                     <td>160</td>                 </tr>                 <tr>                                     <td>00345</td>                     <td onclick="edittablecell(this)">c40</td>                     <td onclick="edittablecell(this)">$3,500.00</td>                     <td>3.99 %</td>                     <td>180</td>                 </tr>                 <tr>                                     <td>00456</td>                     <td onclick="edittablecell(this)">a20</td>                     <td onclick="edittablecell(this)">$4,500.00</td>                     <td>3.99 %</td>                     <td>200</td>                 </tr>                 <tr>                                     <td>00567</td>                     <td onclick="edittablecell(this)">b30</td>                     <td onclick="edittablecell(this)">$5,500.00</td>                     <td>3.99 %</td>                     <td>225</td>                 </tr>                 <tr>                                     <td>00678</td>                     <td onclick="edittablecell(this)">c10</td>                     <td onclick="edittablecell(this)">$6,500.00</td>                     <td>3.99 %</td>                     <td>250</td>                 </tr>                 <tr>                                     <td>00789</td>                     <td onclick="edittablecell(this)">a30</td>                     <td onclick="edittablecell(this)">$7,500.00</td>                     <td>3.99 %</td>                     <td>300</td>                 </tr>                                </tbody>         </table>     </div>  </div> <script type="text/javascript">     var selectstate = false;     var selectedelement = null;     var textinput = null;     var celltext = null;     var txt     = "test";     var idcount  = 0;      function edittablecell( e ){        if ( selectstate == false ){          selectedelement = e;         celltext = e.innerhtml;              e.innerhtml = "";          var objinput = document.createelement("input");         objinput.type = 'text';         objinput.value = celltext;         objinput.id = "txt" + idcount++;         objinput.onkeypress = edittextbox;         objinput.size = 15;          textinput = objinput;         e.appendchild(objinput);          selectstate = true;        } else if (e != selectedelement) {         selectedelement.innerhtml = celltext;         selectstate = false;       }     }      function edittextbox( e ){        if (navigator.appname == "microsoft internet explorer"){         e = window.event;         key = e.keycode;       }        else if (navigator.appname == "netscape"){         key = e.which;       }        if ( key == 13 ){         selectedelement.innerhtml = textinput.value;         selectstate = false;       }        else if ( key == 27 ){         selectedelement.innerhtml = celltext;         selectstate = false;       }     }     /*      var attrname  = "":     var attrvalue = "";     if ($('#test1')     {         attrname=  "editfield01";         attrvalue = $(#test1).val();     }     if ($('#test2')     {         attrname=  "editfield02";         attrvalue = $(#test2).val();     }      if ($('#test3')     {         attrname=  "editfield03";         attrvalue = $(#test3).val();     }       var values = '{"' + attrname + '":' + attrvalue + '}';       $.ajax({         url: serverurl + "/abc/contract/" + poolid,         async: false,         type: "put",         data: json.stringify(values),         datatype: 'json',         processdata: false,         contenttype: 'application/json',         success: showresponse(json) {           // todo: info returned in data structure?           showresponse;         },         error: function(err) {           alert("failed update attribute");           htmlerrordialog(err.responsetext);         }       });*/      function showresponse(json)  {        if(json.success){         // handle successful response here         alert("user input column sent successfully!");       } else {         // handle unsuccessful response here         alert("user input fail send. please try again");       }     }      </script> </body> </html> 

you're not passing json data showresponse:

    success: showresponse(json) {       // todo: info returned in data structure?       showresponse;     }, 

pass along so, , make sure json actual object , don't need parse first:

    success: function(json) {       // check json actual object via alert       // alert(json);       showresponse(json);     }, 

edit: okay after lot of working around, have simple test case making fields editable. please note uses jquery, , comments inline:

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01//en"  "http://www.w3.org/tr/html4/strict.dtd">  <html lang="en"> <head>     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">     <title>test</title>     <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.0/jquery.min.js"></script>     <!-- date: 2011-05-10 --> </head> <body>     <form>     <table border="1">         <thead>             <tr>                 <th>contract number</th>                 <th>current status</th>                                      <th>sale balance amount</th>                 <th>interest rate</th>                 <th>discount</th>             </tr>         </thead>         <tbody>             <tr>                          <!-- "identifier" class makes have id                     pass our ajax script know change -->                        <td class="identifier">00123</td>                 <td class="editable">a30</td>                 <td class="editable">$1,500.00</td>                 <td>3.99 %</td>                 <td>140</td>             </tr>                            </tbody>     </table>     </form>          <script type="text/javascript">         // bind our event handler td elements class editable         $('td.editable').bind('click', function() {             // create editable input if 1 doesn't exist             if(!$(this).has('input').length) {                 // text cell containing value                 var value = $(this).html();                 // create new input element value of cell text                 var input = $('<input/>', {                     'type':'text',                     'value':value,                     // give onchange handler when data changed                     // ajax call                     change: function() {                         var new_value = $(this).val();                         // finds sibling td element class identifier have                         // id pass ajax call                         var cell = $(this).parent();                         // position of td cell...                         var cell_index = $(this).parent().parent().children().index(cell);                         // .. find corresponding header                         var identifier = $('thead th:eq('+cell_index+')').html();                         //ajax post id , new value                         $(this).replacewith(new_value);                     }                 });                 // empty out cell contents...                 $(this).empty();                 // ... , replace input field has value populated                 $(this).append(input);             }         });     </script> </body> 


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