git svn - Setting up SVN repository on Remote machine with XCode 4.0 -

i have followed documentation setup svn repository existing project. followed following steps:

mkdir branches mkdir tags mkdir trunk cp -r /myproject /svn_master/trunk svnadmin create myproject_svn svn import trunk/myproject file:///svn_master/myproejct_svn -m "initial import" 

it has set svn repository now. how can checkout this? isn't working when try checkout xcode organizer, give path file:///svn_master/myproejct_svn. missing something?

how setup same thing remote host(my server)? can copy created local repository there , use path?


got sorted. annoying though apple's documentation on doesn't made sense. simple steps should follow is,

  1. setup svn repository on remote windows server. used visualsvn. able setup in couple of minutes.
  2. from mac, checkout code terminal using "svn co http://serverurl/svn/projectname localdir" command.
  3. open project.xcodeproj file , try create repository automatically. make sure enter correct user/pass when asked for.


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