google chrome - opening an xml file via hyperlink show xml as regular text -

i want show xml file inside iframe. works fine in firefox , ie in chrome show xml text.

so wanted check if general problem. example: if use view xml food menu link located in xml shown text file.

if right click link , chose open in new tab show xml should. or if open new tab , put url shows file xml file.

if press right mouse button , select "open in new tab" show xml should.

i think whatever causes problem causes problem facing. questions are:

  1. what causes ?
  2. is there way around problem ?
  3. is bug in chrome ?


chrome version 11.0.696.65

os: windows xp,i have checked in windows 7

for me definitely google chrome bug. try use right-click on link , select "open link in new tab" or "open link in new window" see pretty printed xml.

enter image description here

there target="_blank" attribute within anchor element, causes problem:

<a target="_blank" href="simple.xml">view xml food menu</a> 

look @ site there no target="_blank" , links works well.

you can use inspect element → edit html option remove attribute target="_blank" , after xml printed too.

enter image description here

finally found chromium issue 84128 (reported 26/5/2011, version 11.0.696.71) that.

you don't need add explicite xslt stylesheet. that's not case here. if there no stylesheet applied, browser implicitly uses built-in, default variant.


i downloaded google chrome 12 beta (version 12.0.742.77 beta-m) beta-m , here bug solved.

comment 93 project member, may 3, 2011  target="_blank" problem fixed in chrome 12. 



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