Hibernate ans oracle stored procedures -
i have oracle stored procedure :`
create or replace procedure getclientfromauthentification(mycursorresult out sys_refcursor, login in varchar2, pwd in varchar2) num_client number(6); compte_epargne varchar2(50); compte_courant varchar2(50); nom varchar2(50); prenom varchar2(50); adresse varchar2(100); begin open mycursorresult select client.num_client, client.num_compte_epargne, client.num_compte_courant, client.nom_client, client.prenom_client, client.adresse_client client client.login_client = login , client.mdp_client = pwd; fetch mycursorresult num_client, compte_epargne, compte_courant, nom, prenom, adresse; if mycursorresult%rowcount > 1 raise too_many_rows; else if mycursorresult%rowcount = 0 raise no_data_found; end if; end if; exception when too_many_rows raise_application_error(-20000, 'base corrompue'); when no_data_found raise_application_error(-20001, 'pas de résultats'); end getclientfromauthentification;`
i tested in oracle sqldevelopper , works fine :
`set serveroutput on; declare mycursor sys_refcursor; begin dbms_output.enable; getclientfromauthentification(mycursor, 'durant.jean', 'durant.jean1234'); dbms_output.put_line('cursor = ' || mycursor%rowcount); end;`
cursor = 1 (it found :=))
now try use procedure on java side hybernate.
the mapping :
`<hibernate-mapping> <class name="model.entity.client"> <id name="num_client" type="int" /> <property name="num_compte_epargne" type="string" /> <property name="num_compte_courant" type="string" /> <property name="nom" type="string" /> <property name="prenom" type="string" /> <property name="adresse" type="string" /> </class> <sql-query name="getclientfromauthentification_sp" callable="true"> <return alias="client" class="model.entity.client" > <return-property name="num_client" column="num_client"/> <return-property name="num_compte_epargne" column="num_compte_epargne"/> <return-property name="num_compte_courant" column="num_compte_client"/> <return-property name="nom" column="nom_client"/> <return-property name="prenom" column="prenom_client"/> <return-property name="adresse" column="adresse_client"/> </return> { call getclientfromauthentification(?, :login, :mdp) } </sql-query> </hibernate-mapping>`
when use :
arraylist<client> clients; query q = session.getnamedquery("getclientfromauthentification_sp"); q.setstring("login", "durant.jean"); q.setstring("mdp", "durant.jean1234"); clients = (arraylist<client>) q.list();`
i have no errors unfortunatly list empty...
help me please
in stored procedure, use %notfound
instead of %rowcount
- you should use %rowcount implicit cursors insert/update/delete.
- you should use %notfound selects see if return data or not. e.g.
edit: whole proc added answer
create or replace procedure getclientfromauthentification(mycursorresult out sys_refcursor, login in varchar2, pwd in varchar2) num_client number(6); compte_epargne varchar2(50); compte_courant varchar2(50); nom varchar2(50); prenom varchar2(50); adresse varchar2(100); begin open mycursorresult select client.num_client, client.num_compte_epargne, client.num_compte_courant, client.nom_client, client.prenom_client, client.adresse_client client client.login_client = login , client.mdp_client = pwd; fetch mycursorresult num_client, compte_epargne, compte_courant, nom, prenom, adresse; if mycursorresult%notfound raise no_data_found; end if; exception when no_data_found raise_application_error(-20001, 'pas de résultats'); end getclientfromauthentification;
regarding whole design:
- why return wrapped in cursor having 1 row?
why not have these out parameter:
num_client, compte_epargne, compte_courant, nom, prenom, adresse
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