javascript - Ext JS Border layout: how to collapse a region programmatically? -

i have panel "border" layout, having "center" , "north" region. want programmatically collapse north region, , according forum way is:


however, container.layout string object container.layout.north giving me null object.

does have 2 seconds pointer on how handle correct layout object call collapse() upon?

the cheapest way hold of panel need calling ext.getcmp(). container.layout undefined because not object of ext.component. set id border panel or panel need access to.

 var panel = ext.getcmp('borderpanelid');  panel.layout.north.collapse(); 

another way use north panel's id. in case will:

 var panel = ext.getcmp('northpanelid');  panel.collapse(); 

another way make user of ref system. set ref property panels. , if have access component's owner.. can simple use ref reference panel or other components.


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