tdd - Should BDD be automated with unit tests, integration tests, or both? -

bdd has been touted "tdd done right".

however tdd used unit tests, rather end-to-end integration tests.

which kind of test appropriate bdd?

  • should write integration tests?
  • should write unit tests?
    • if yes, should there multiple unit-tests per scenario?
    • and unit test covers multiple scenarios? there way structure these tests when using testing framework such mspec?

which kind of test (integration tests, unit tests) appropriate bdd?

i use both in 2 nested loops described in behavior-driven development specflow , watin

* writing failing integration tests     * writing failing unit test part of solution of integration test         * making unittest pass         * refactor     * writing next failing unit test part of integration test      * unitl integration test passes  * writing next failing integration tests 


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