c++ - How to re-route std::clog in another CRT lib? -

i have win32 program that's built vs2008, code linked msvcr90.dll , msvcp90.dll. however, it's running code in dll (which can't modify) that's been built vs2005 , when code in dll prints clog stream via msvcr80.dll , msvcp80.dll. here's problem: if re-route std::clog in code, affect code built against crt 9.0 libs, code using older crt 8.0 wont have output re-routed. there way re-route clog stream in dll built against older crt?

i've investigated calling getmodulehandle() , getprocaddress() on older crt dlls , have managed re-route c stderr stream (via _open_osfhandle , _dup2), c++ clog stream still seems unaffected. think need call ios_base::sync_with_stdio() in older crt lib couldn't valid address function. appreciated.


build helper dll using vs2005 - dll should export functions setup need vs8 runtime.


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