Facebook OAuthException: Error validating application -

i have simple php page going used post message own wall.

i've obtained offline_access token has "read_stream" , "publish_stream" permissions.

define('fb_apikey', 'my_app_key');  define('fb_secret', 'my_app_secret');  define('fb_session', 'my_offline_token');  require_once('facebook.php');  try {     $facebook = new facebook(fb_apikey, fb_secret);      $facebook->api_client->session_key = fb_session;      $attachment = array(         'message' => 'some meesgae',         'name' => 'this demo facebook application!',         'caption' => "caption of post",         'link' => 'mylink.com',         'description' => 'this description',         'actions' => array(array(                      'name' => 'get search',                       'link' => 'google.com'                   ))     );      $result = $facebook->api('/me/feed?access_token=' . fb_session,                'post',                $attachment);       var_dump($result);  } catch(exception $e) {      echo $e; } 

when run this, "oauthexception: error validating application".

i confirmed offline token good. when go https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=[my_offline_token], returns public profile in json format correctly.

so, i'm thinking i'm doing wrong api call somewhere life of me can't seem figure out. i've been wrestling issue last 2 days. please help! :(

you don't have app id here. , make calls this:

require_once('facebook.php');  $facebook = new facebook( array(     'appid'  => 'app_id',     'secret' => 'app_secret',     'cookie' => true ));  try {     $attachment = array(         'message' => 'some meesgae',         'name' => 'this demo facebook application!',         'caption' => "caption of post",         'link' => 'mylink.com',         'description' => 'this description',         'actions' => array(array(             'name' => 'get search',              'link' => 'google.com'             ))     );      $attachment['access_token'] = $offline_access_token; // add array      $result = $facebook->api('/me/feed', 'post', $attachment );      var_dump($result);  } catch(exception $e) {     // error_log( $e ); // should use when in production     echo $e; } 

untested, should work. let me know if doesn't.


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