xml - Python object wrapper for lxml etree? -

given lxml.etree possible somehow construct object representation of tree, sub-elements can accessed in object-like fashion (with '.' operator)?

i know lxml has library called objectify looks can constructed given raw xml , adding new elements tree still requires go through etree-like node creation.

ideally want achieve is:

tree = objectify( etree_root ) print tree.somenode.get( 'attrib_name' ) tree.somenode.set( 'attrib_name', 'some_val' ) node( tree.somenode, "somechild" ) tree.somenode.somechild.set( 'attrib', 'foo' )  

i guess have override __setattribute__ respectively __getattribute__ operators. guess have subclass etree.element class achieve this.

but, on other hand api quite impractical, since there might multiple child-nodes same tag name.

to find elements can use xpath expressions, correllate idea. api follows:

subchild = root.find('child/subchild') 


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