c# - Lambda expression as function parameter -

i have following code

list<int> getindices<t>(list<t> list, ?????? condition {     var result =             list                 .select((p, index) => index)                 .where(condition);      return result.tolist(); } 

and call getindices(somelist, (p, index) => (somelist[index].height < somelist[index - 1].height))

what correct type of condition?

there's error in code: where expects delegate returns bool value , has list element type input.

var result = list    .select((p, index) => index) // projects element it's index (of type int)    .where(condition);           // => expects func<int, bool> 

so need func<int,bool>

however, spec think want func<t,int,bool>, means have rewrite implementation of getindices as

var result = list    .select((p, index) => new {p, index})     .where(x => condition(x.p, x.index))    .select(x => x.index);   


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