c# - Sending a class as a parameter to a thread? -

so trying find way dynamically pass class type thread, can recall class issued by, , thereby dynamically return data class again.

here trying, serverclass class of main function:

public static void main() {     udpclass clsudp = new udpclass();     thread clsudpthread = new thread(new threadstart(delegate() { clsudp.udplisten(64000, serverclass); }));     clsudpthread.start(); } 

this receiving end, in udpclass:

public void udplisten(int udpport, type oldclass) { } 

you can lot code this.

class x : baseclass {     ... }  class y : x {      int yfield; }  ...  int main(baseclass instance) {      if (instance y) (instance y).yfield = 1; } 


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