indexing - Python - AttributeError: index -

i stuck here...

connecting t3://localhost:7001 userid weblogic ... connected admin server 'examplesserver' belongs domain 'wl_server'.

warning: insecure protocol used connect server. ensure on-the-wire security, ssl port or admin port should used instead.

[mbeanserverinvocationhandler]com.bea:name=mainwebapp,type=appdeployment parcelliendata.war parcelliendata p problem invoking wlst - traceback (innermost last): file "d:\rm-share\rm-scripts\", line 30, in ? attributeerror: index

my code looks like:

import sys  import getopt import os  loadproperties(sys.argv[1] +".props") connect(username,password,adminurl)  cmd = "awk -f'name=' '{print $2}' | awk -f',' '{print $1}'"  f = open(r'./applicationslist.txt','r') #in above line can specify complete path of "applications.txt"  print f in range(5):        line=f.readline()        line1=line[:-4]        line2=line1[:1]        #check if service or application present on server...        cd('appdeployments')        myapps=cmo.getappdeployments()        dep_file in myapps:           print depfile           print line           print line1           print line2           num1=depfile.index(line2)           print num1           num2=depfile.index(",", num1)           print num2           appname=depfile[num1:num2]           print appname            if appname == "line1":              print redeploy           elif appname != "line1":              print "not deploying"              continue           else:              print deploying 

please advice, going wrong....


the error tells line:


is wrong. sure dep_file object can indexed slice?

maybe should call getname() on dep_name first?


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