iphone - Including Javascript as a local resource in Xcode 4 while using a UIWebView -

i saw question answered xcode 3, xcode 4 seems have changed.

i unable figure out how include javascript file local resource iphone app using uiwebview. compiler tries interpret included .js files code rather including them in root app bundle resource reference in html file.

in case trying include local copy of javascript file uiwebview portion of app can perform functions while not connected internet, need local copy....

anyone have figured out xcode 4?

thanks -steve

wow. spent hours trying figure out, posted question. 10 minutes later run across totally unrelated thread pointed me in right direction.

in xcode 4 in project navigator click on top item, project, select target , click on build phases tab. there copy bundle resources in window let add .js files need in local resources. html references such as:

<script type="text/javascript" src="yourawesomecode.js"></script> 

will work


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