iphone - UIWebView Zoom Issue -

how can identify user has zoomed webview resize other components present. webview starts middle of screen , when user zooms webview starts scroll horizontally , vertically happens within webview.the scrolling happens internally. want lock webview scrolling internally when user scrolls vertically, labels,textfields etc. on top of webview scroll , not webview alone. want achieve pretty similar iphone native email client. accomplishing this, put webview on top of scrollview , when user zooms it, reset content size of scrollview whatever added scrollview labels , textfields above webview scroll when scroll webview.

any ideas?

you do:

  • disallow user pinch zoom webview
  • detect double tap on scrollview , toggle webview's scalespagetofit property , set userinteractiondisabled on webview

now can scroll scrollview has controls..


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