objective c - GCC 4.2 warning for object that no longer exsists -

i had nsstring named responsereference put in @property so...

@property (nonatomic) nsstring *responsereference; 

and got warning:

no 'assign', 'retain', or 'copy' attribute specified - 'assign' assumed assign attribute (default) not appropriate non-gc object property 'responsereference' 

so fix changed code this:

@property (nonatomic, retain) nsstring *responsereference; 

but still got warnings. tried many things , ended trying remove warnings removing object existence. when responsereference no longer part of of code still gave me exact same warning responsereference. restarted x-code. no beans.

can explain why it's giving me these warnings though object it's talking doesn't exist? also, these warnings mean compiled code affected?


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