php - Kohana 3 - redirect to 404 page -

after searching internet haven't found answer question. example, in base complectation if go http://yoursite/welcome/ you'll see hello world if type http://yoursite/welcom/ you'll see fatal error: uncaught http_exception_404 [ 404 ]: requested url welcom/index not found on server. ~ syspath/classes/kohana/request/client/internal.php [ 94 ] thrown in

from here, how can redirect user 404 page if type wrong address?


here how it:

  1. declare our own exception handler somewhere in bootstrap.php or module's init.php. application exceptions sent kw_exception_handler::handle().

  2. exception handler analyses exception type (using getcode() method) , creates new hmvc request special error controller, example ('error/404').

also can add check ajax calls , return json structure error text.

ps. this userguide tutorial may helpful.


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