php - Using preg_replace to back reference array key and replace with a value -

i have string this: 

and have associative array this:

$fruitarray["apple"] = "green"; $fruitarray ["banana"] = "yellow"; 

i trying use preg_replace on string, using key in array reference apple , replace green, this:

$string = preg_replace('|\?fruit=([a-za-z0-9_-]*)|', ''.$fruitarray[$1].'/', $string); 

the process should return 

obviously isn’t working me; how can manipulate $fruitarray[$1] in preg_replace statement php recognised, referenced, , replaced green?


you need use /e eval flag, or if can spare few lines preg_replace_callback.

  $string = preg_replace(      '|\?fruit=([a-za-z0-9_-]*)|e',      ' "" . $fruitarray["$1"] ',      $string   ); 

notice how whole url concatenation expression enclosed in single quotes. interpreted php expression later, spaces vanish , static url string concatenated whatever in fruitarray.


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