php - how to change Download show after upload by jQuery-File-Upload/ -

i've installed the blueimp jquery-file-upload

but had big problem modify view after finish uploading, want show making image raised in specific div

i hope edits must in jquery.fileupload-uix.js ,

and in code :

this.getfileurl = function (file, handler) {         return file.url;     };      this.getthumbnailurl = function (file, handler) {         return file.thumbnail;     };      this.buildmultidownloadrow = function (files, handler) {         var rows = $('<tbody style="display:none;"/>');         $.each(files, function (index, file) {             rows.append(handler.builddownloadrow(file, handler).show());         });         return rows;     };      this.builddownloadrow = function (file, handler) {         if ($.isarray(file)) {             return handler.buildmultidownloadrow(file, handler);         }         var filename = handler.formatfilename(,             fileurl = handler.getfileurl(file, handler),             thumbnailurl = handler.getthumbnailurl(file, handler),             downloadrow = handler.downloadtemplate                 .clone().removeattr('id');         downloadrow.attr('data-id', ||;         downloadrow.find('.file_name a')             .text(filename);         downloadrow.find('.file_size')             .text(handler.formatfilesize(file.size));         if (thumbnailurl) {             downloadrow.find('.file_download_preview').append(                 $('<a/>').append($('<img/>').attr('src', thumbnailurl || null))             );             downloadrow.find('a').attr('target', '_blank');         }         downloadrow.find('a')             .attr('href', fileurl || null)             .each(handler.enabledragtodesktop);         downloadrow.find('.file_download_delete button')             .button({icons: {primary: 'ui-icon-trash'}, text: false});         return downloadrow;     }; 

and in html :

<div id="file_upload" class="panel">             <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">             <div id="buttons">                 <div id="file-wrapper" class="title" title="upload images computer">                     <input type="file" name="file[]" multiple="" accept="image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png,image/bmp" />                 </div>                 <div class="center">                     <input type="button" id="url" class="button-big title" title="upload images web" value="" />                 </div>             </div>             </form>             <table class="files">                 <tr class="file_upload_template" style="display:none;">                     <td class="file_upload_preview"></td>                     <td class="file_name"></td>                     <td class="file_size"></td>                     <td class="file_upload_progress"><div></div></td>                     <td class="file_upload_start"><button>start</button></td>                     <td class="file_upload_cancel"><button>cancel</button></td>                 </tr>                 <tr class="file_download_template" style="display:none;">                     <td class="file_name"><a></a></td>                     <td class="file_size"></td>                     <td class="file_download_delete" colspan="3"><button>delete</button></td>                 </tr>             </table>             <div class="file_upload_overall_progress"><div style="display:none;"></div></div>             <div class="file_upload_buttons">                 <button class="button-big file_upload_start">start all</button>                  <button class="file_upload_cancel">cancel all</button>              </div>     </div>     <br />     <div class="panel">         <div id="shows">                     <!-- here want repeat div -->             <div class='preview'>                  <h2>name</h2>                  <img srch='img' />             </div>         </div>     </div> 

i try , try there no code believe show.


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