regex - vbscript regular expression into an array -
with code below trying pull each url extract using regular expression array can call later along count of urls. not sure how grab of them.
set objxmlhttp = createobject("microsoft.xmlhttp") call"get", "website", false) objxmlhttp.send() strhtml = objxmlhttp.responsetext dim objregexp set objregexp = new regexp objregexp.ignorecase = true = true objregexp.pattern = "<a\s+href=""(http://.*?)""[^>]+>(\s*\n|.+?\s*)</a>" dim objmatch each objmatch in objregexp.execute(strhtml) objmatch.submatches(0) next set objxmlhttp = nothing
i tested fake string, regexp results seemed bit wonky changed (grabbed here). results of 1st match (you capture 2?) placed in matches array:
dim objregexp set objregexp = new regexp objregexp.ignorecase = true = true objregexp.pattern = ""((https?:\/\/|www.)([-\w.]+)+(:\d+)?(\/([\w\/_.]*(\?\s+)?)?)?)"" dim matches() dim i: = 0 dim objmatch each objmatch in objregexp.execute(strhtml) redim preserve matches(i) matches(i) = objmatch.submatches(0) = (i + 1) next set objxmlhttp = nothing '//read = 0 ubound(matches) wscript.echo matches(i) next
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