c# - Entity Framework 4 vs Native Ado.net -

i wondering how entity framework 4 compared native ado.net , sps ?

what missing if used normal ado.net ?

does worth leaving ef4 ?

in nutshell, ef object-relational mapper (orm), , ado.net raw power. orm allows trade runtime performance ease of maintenance. gain ability write code in more declarative manner, expressing what want out of database instead of how go getting it. result, changes database structure can accounted in mappings rather in every single part of application needed touch particular table changed.

what missing if use ado.net developer productivity. describing each database operation in detail ado.net time consuming, error-prone, , not fun.

i don't think ever want "leave" orm , go raw ado.net except in situations in extreme performance required, such importing large amounts of data, in case might better off writing ssis package anyway.


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