c# - Legacy VB6 app replacement -

i have posted on here before various stages of , here asking guidance once again.

we have application depends on 3rd party. dependency managed via vb6 'wrapper' dll third party using com.

what need able replace 3rd part dll our new 1 , not have recompile wrapper, or change references.

i have written in c# .net of necessary emulates interface/s 3rd party app exposes, , when open wrapper app in code , change reference point app rather original 3rd party works well. no other code changes made or required - reference change.

i need take step further. need able load our original vb6 wrapper app , have 'use' new c# .net dll exposing everything(almost everything) original did. have used progid, guid , namespace when registered dll viewing in regdllbview appear identical (with exception of threading being different).

when open legacy vs new in dllexp exposed functions identical exception new 1 not expose( dllunregisterserver,dllregisterserver,dllgetclassobject,dllcanunloadnow) have read com interop takes care of those?

problem when register original wrapper new 3rd party 'runtime error '430' class not support automation or not support expected interface'

any gratefully received!

take @ , see if helps:

is possible achieve binary compatibility in .net library?


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