windows - Classic ASP upload - free or commercial components? -

my asp uploading of files knowledge somewhere circa 2002. i've got classic site running in 32-bit mode on 64-but windows 2003 server. testing on 32-bit win 7 box.

what couple of upload solutions might work in scenario? running classic asp 3.0 against sql server 2005 database. prefer store files outside of database.

i have .net 3.5 on box, if there's hybrid solution might work better, can that.

i'm concerned i'll use "old" , won't reliable.

i'd run sort of antivirus against files when come in.

you don't need components upload using vbscript:

file upload using vbscript class - codeproject

i've used on classic asp sites migrated 2008 rb 64-bit servers , found (nearly) slots right in code little modifications. additionally, few components 64-bit compatible and/or cause application pools crash after modest use.

re virus scanning, long system has a/v solution real-time protection covered. otherwise need use shell.execute call av scanner on newly uploaded file:

'create new instance of vbsupload object' set objupload = new vbsupload  'generate full path save file to' strnewfilename = server.mappath("/uploads") & "\" & objupload.files.item(0).filename  'save file disk' objupload.files.item(0).save strnewfilename set objupload = nothing  'file saved, run a/v scanner on it' set objwshell = createobject("")   'run scanner on filename created above' set objcmd = objwshell.exec("c:\myscanner\scan.exe -parameters " & strnewfilename)   'get stdout process' stroutput = objcmd.stdout.readall()  set objcmd = nothing set objwshell = nothing 

setting permissions on "interesting" least, should started.


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