Asp.Net MVC2 Unit Test Controller: Request["Choice"] -

i new unit testing , trying learn tdd, cannot figure out how test this. spent 2 days on (don't worry not employer, please no smart answers).

i wrote controller want test, need assign value "choice". simplified, looks this:

    public actionresult index()     {           string s = request["choice"];           return view(new mylist.getlist(s));     } 

how assign value "choice" in test or can i? in application, value of "choice" assigned radiobutton in form in page view. test in psuedocode:

    [testmethod()]     public void indextest()     {           categorycontroller target = new categorycontroller();           var result = target.index() viewresult;           mylist actual = result.viewdata.model mylist;            // etc ...            assert.areequal(expected.list, actual.list);     } 

thanks, mario

i'm pretty sure can accept choice parameter action method. no shenanigans necessary:

public actionresult index(string choice) {       return view(new mylist.getlist(choice)); } 

this wouldn't work if choice coming cookie or server variable, assume you're expecting either query string or form post.


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