c# - how to write client side events functions for the combobox items -

<dx:aspxcombobox id="aspxcombobox2" runat="server" clientidmode="autoid"              selectedindex="-1" onselectedindexchanged="aspxcombobox1_selectedindexchanged1" >          <clientsideevents selectedindexchanged="function(s, e) {     grid.selectrows();}" />                                              <items>                                                                      <dx:listedititem text="selecte rows" />                                   <dx:listedititem text="unselectall" />                                                                </items>               </dx:aspxcombobox> 

i want write event "unselect all" item in combobox. how can this?

you'll need write javascript function iterates thru combo-box , marks selected items false.

see select/unselect checkbox fields using pure javascript , html sample code

msdn: working client-side script


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