Critical tunnel failure error blackberry -

i have developed app blackberry ,its approved appworld gives following error

on 4.6  critical tunnel failure  


on 5.0 , 6.0 apn not specified   

please why error coming , how solve it

i think problem didn't add appropriate connection suffix url.

follow link can solve problem:

and ou can use following sample code:

private static string getconnectionstring(){     string connectionstring="";     if(wlaninfo.getwlanstate()==wlaninfo.wlan_state_connected){         connectionstring=";interface=wifi";     }       else if((coverageinfo.getcoveragestatus() & coverageinfo.coverage_mds) == coverageinfo.coverage_mds){          connectionstring = ";deviceside=false";     }         else if((coverageinfo.getcoveragestatus() & coverageinfo.coverage_direct)==coverageinfo.coverage_direct){             string carrieruid=getcarrierbibsuid();             if(carrieruid == null) {                 connectionstring = ";deviceside=true";             }             else{                  connectionstring = ";deviceside=false;connectionuid="+carrieruid + ";connectiontype=mds-public";                 }                            }      else if(coverageinfo.getcoveragestatus() == coverageinfo.coverage_none)         {          }     return connectionstring;     } 


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