javascript - What would be php equivalent of this code? -

var oktags = /^(<\/?(b|blockquote|code|del|dd|dl|dt|em|h1|h2|h3|i|kbd|li|ol|p|pre|s|sup|sub|strong|strike|ul)>|<(br|hr)\s?\/?>)$/i;  var oklinks = /^(<a\shref="(\#\d+|(https?|ftp):\/\/[-a-za-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;\(\)]+)"(\stitle="[^"<>]+")?\s?>|<\/a>)$/i;   var okimg = /^(<img\ssrc="https?:(\/\/[-a-za-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;\(\)]+)"(\swidth="\d{1,3}")?(\sheight="\d{1,3}")?(\salt="[^"<>]*")?(\stitle="[^"<>]*")?\s?\/?>)$/i;   text = text.replace(/<[^<>]*>?/gi, function (tag) {                     return (tag.match(oktags) || tag.match(oklinks) || tag.match(okimg)) ? tag : ""                 }) 

replace() can replaced preg_replace()

and match() preg_match() powerful

check manual see how work code, not different, , can use call function too.


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