c++ - Errors while compiling MPI -

i trying compile code in c++ using code : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5953979/sending-and-receiving-array-using-mpi-part-2.

i use following command compile: mpiicpc -o <filename> xxxx.cc -lmpi

after compile, errors seem refer 2 functions have defined in source code print output values , mpi isend , mpi irecv. specifically, 2 types of errors

  1. error: identifier "variable" undefined
  2. error: few arguments in function call: mpi_isend/mpi_irecv , mpi waitall(); finally, exists message: compilation aborted xxxx.cc (code 2).

could please point must doing wrong while defining variables?

here excerpt of source code (the code in entirety available @ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5953979/sending-and-receiving-array-using-mpi-part-2):

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int my_rank; int p; int source;  int dest; int tag = 0;  //allocating memory double *a = new double[rows*sizeof(double)]; double *b = new double[rows*sizeof(double)]; .... .... ....  //mpi commands mpi_status status; mpi_init (&argc, &argv); mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world, &my_rank); mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world, &p);  //for number of beats  (ibeat=0;ibeat<beats;ibeat++) {     (i=0; i<cols/2; i++)     {         (y=0; y<rows/2; y++)         {             if (my_rank == 0)                 if (i < 48)                     if (y<48)                        v[i][y] = 0;              if (my_rank ==               .....                 ....                   ....                 }     }      //load array edge values     (r=0; r<rows/2; y++)     {         if ((my_rank == 0) || (my_rank == 1))         {             a[r] = v[r][48];             bb[r] = v[r][48];         }          if ((my_rank             ...             ...     }      prttofile ();     outputpass ();     ibeat = ibeat+1;  }   mpi_finalize (); }   void prttofile () { (i = 0; i<cols/2; i++)   {     (y = 0; y<rows/2; y++)     {         if (my_rank == 0)            fout << v[i][y] << " " ;         ....            ....      }   }  if (my_rank == 0)     fout << endl;  .... }   void outputpass () { int test = 2; if ((my_rank%test) == 0) {     mpi_isend(c, rows, mpi_double, my_rank+1, mpi_comm_world); //non blocking send     mpi_irecv(cc, rows, mpi_double, my_rank+1, mpi_comm_world, &status); //non blocking recv } else if ((my_rank%test) == 1) .... ....  mpi_waitall (); } 

mpi_isend() requires lot more arguments you've supplied. here's line:

mpi_isend(c, rows, mpi_double, my_rank+1, mpi_comm_world); 

where's tag? where's request?

similarly, mpi_waitall() doesn't have arguments @ all! need array of requests, number of requests, , array of statuses.

i suggest read example of non-blocking communication in mpi.


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