Java ME record store problem -

i save data record store. if aplication running works fine, when restart aplication data in record store lost.

here load command:

            try {             int i=1;             display.setcurrent(list2);             recordstore rs = recordstore.openrecordstore("recordstore", true);             recordenumeration re=  rs.enumeraterecords(null, null, true);             adresaurl ad = new adresaurl();             system.out.println("nacteno");             while(re.hasnextelement()){                 byte br[] = rs.getrecord(i);                 ad.setpopis(new string(br));                 br = rs.getrecord(i+1);                 ad.seturl(new string(br));                 system.out.println(ad.getpopis());                 system.out.println(ad.geturl());                 i+=2;                 adresy.addelement(ad);                 list2.append(ad.getpopis(), null);                 system.out.println("nacteno2");                       }         recordstore.closerecordstore();         } catch (exception e) {         } 

yeah won't work.

if use recordenumeration iterate through rms (as are), must use recordenumeration.nextrecord() retrieve record data. using recordstore.getrecord().

recordenumeration.nextrecord() advances recordenumeration on one. never call it, loop:

while (re.hasnextelement()) {     ... } 

will never end!


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