python - Cannot edit text in chart exported by Matplotlib and opened in Illustrator -

i exporting charts matplotlib , editing them in illustrator. it's great can edit lines, text comes in lines, cannot change fonts, edit text, etc. i've exported eps, pdf, , ps same issues.

i'm using matplotlib version 1.0.1 python 2.7.1 on osx snow leaopard.

i appreciate insights offered! tried using pdf2ps suggested here, did degrade quality of image without making text rendered real text. pdftops looked nicer, still can't edit text results.

you can edit text in acrobat/illustrator if set pdf.fonttype 42 (truetype), , export in pdf. can set in ~/matplotlib/matplotlibrc:

pdf.fonttype : 42 # output type 3 (type3) or type 42 (truetype) 

..or dynamically:

>>> import matplotlib mpl >>> mpl.rcparams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42 

apparently defaults type3 acrobat/illustrator can't deal with.


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