iphone - How to POST from Restkit + iOS to Rails -

my rails app has post model "name" property. i'm trying create new post ios using restkit. here's ios code.

nsdictionary* params = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobject:@"amazingname" forkey:@"name"]; [[rkclient sharedclient] post:@"/posts" params:params delegate:self]; 

and here's server log running on same machine

    started post "/posts" @ tue may 10 15:39:14 -0700 2011   processing postscontroller#create json   parameters: {"name"=>"amazingname"} mongodb blog_development['posts'].insert([{"_id"=>bson::objectid('4dc9be92be2eec614a000002')}]) completed 406 not acceptable in 4ms 

as can see, server gets request, name doesn't saved db. nameless post gets created. wrong ios code?

it works when switch forkey:@"name" forkey:@"post[name]"


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