database - Dataset retrieving data from another dataset -

i work application switching filebased datastorage database based. has large amount of code written towards filebased system. make switch implementing functionality work old system, plan making more optimal use of database in new code.

one problem filebased system reading single records, , read them repeatedly reports. have become alot of queries database, slow.

the idea have been trying flesh out using 2 datasets. 1 dataset retrieve entire table, , dataset query against first, thereby decreasing communication overhead database server.

i've tried @ datasource property of tadodataset dataset still seems require connection, , asks database directly if connection assigned.

the reason prefer result in dataset, rather navigating first one, there implemented amount of logic emulating old system. logic based on having dataset containing results queried old interface.

the functionality have support reading data, not writing back.

how can use 1 dataset supply values dataset select from?

i using delphi 2007 , mssql.

you can use clientdataset/datasetprovider pair fetch data existing dataset. can use filters on source dataset, filters on clientdataset , provider events trim dataset interesting records.

i've used technique success in couple of migrating projects , mitigate similar situation old sql server 7 database queried thousands of times retrieve individual records painful performance costs. querying 1 time , fetching individual records client dataset was, @ time, not elegant solution great performance boost particular application: great example 8 hour process reduced 15 minutes... poor users loved me time.

a clientdataset tdataset can seamlessly integrate existing code , ui.


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