iphone - iOS UIScrollView with 2 finger pan for paging and one finger pan for "fingerpointer" -

i spend quite time figure out how achieve want didn't find proper solution it, yet. have uiscrollview changed pangesturerecognizer 1 2 finger recognition paging works when 2 fingers used. want add additional pangesturerecognizer shows courser if i'm panning 1 finger. tried adding additional pangesturerecognizer uiscrollview app crashes immediately. thought of adding subview transparent , positioned above uiscrollview , delegate 2 finger gestures uiscrollview resgin firstresponder. thought of overwriting pangesturerecognizer of uiscrollview , let add subview "fingerpointer"(a little point centered i'm touching screen right now) located. i'm totally clueless way should go , how implement it. appreciated! lot!


ok, second time editing response. might trick you.

if extend uiscrollview can override these methods in way:

//in h file bool cursorshown;  //in m file -(void)touchesbegan:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event  {     if([touches count] == 1)    {       cursorshown = yes;        cgpoint touchlocation = [[touches anyobject] locationinview:self.superview]        //add cursor parent view here , set location touchlocation    } }   -(void)touchesmoved:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event  {    if(cursorshown == yes)    {       cgpoint touchlocation = [[touches anyobject] locationinview:self.superview]        //move cursors location touchlocation    } }   -(void)touchesended:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event  {    if(cursorshown == yes)    {       cursorshown = no;       //destroy cursor    } }  -(void)touchescancelled:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event  {    if(cursorshown == yes)    {       cursorshown = no;       //destroy cursor    } } 


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