sql - fetch data from multi tables with out relation ship between these tables -

for every week have excel sheet converted sql database excel sheet gave me 30 deference table same structure , field definition there no relationship between these tables.

so want merge data these 30 table in 1 table i'm trying write t-sql fail using information_schema.tables or sys.tables table names , proceed fetch data these tables in 1 query.

to combine tables exact same schema:

select * table1 union select * table2 

if entire db made of these tables should able use sp_msforeachtable procedure.

create table #temptable (col1 int, col2 nvarchar(50)) sp_msforeachtable 'insert #temptable (col1 , col2) select col1 , col2 ?' select * #temptable drop table #temptable 


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