Xcode 4 fonts default to Helvetica -
i have xcode 4 running on brand-new macbook pro. problem this: when choosing fonts mac os font picker, handful displayed properly; rest appear helvetica. don't have problem in other applications, apple or otherwise. here fonts displayed correctly:
arial, arial rounded, baskerville, cochin, courier, courier new, futura, georgia, helvetica, helvetica neue, marker felt, palatino, times new roman, trebuchet ms, verdana, zapfino
thanks in advance.
mine xcode 4.2 , every thing works fine. if doesn't work easy way call font code.
//am using font called "ethiopic washra bold //copy resource folder , cell.textlabel.font = [uifont fontwithname:@"ethiopic washra bold" size:14]; cell.textlabel.text = [object objectforkey:@"title"]; cell.detailtextlabel.font = [uifont fontwithname:@"ethiopic washra bold" size:10]; cell.detailtextlabel.text = [object objectforkey:@"group"];
if question different please let me know can understand better.
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