cocoa touch - Move view when so that keyboard does not hide text field -
in app, when click on text field, keyboard hides it. please me -- how can move view when click on text field. i'm using code in textfielddidbeginediting:
self.tableview.scrollindicatorinsets = uiedgeinsetsmake(0, 0, 216, 0); self.tableview.contentinset = uiedgeinsetsmake(0, 0, 216, 0);
but doesn't work.
you can following, first make sure you've set uitextfield delegate self and
#define koffset_for_keyboard 350;
at top. how far want view shifted
//method move view up/down whenever keyboard shown/dismissed -(void)setviewmovedup:(bool)movedup { [uiview beginanimations:nil context:null]; [uiview setanimationduration:0.3]; // if want slide view [uiview setanimationbeginsfromcurrentstate:yes]; cgrect rect = self.view.frame; if (movedup) { // 1. move view's origin text field hidden come above keyboard // 2. increase size of view area behind keyboard covered up. if (rect.origin.y == 0 ) { rect.origin.y -= koffset_for_keyboard; //rect.size.height += koffset_for_keyboard; } } else { if (stayup == no) { rect.origin.y += koffset_for_keyboard; //rect.size.height -= koffset_for_keyboard; } } self.view.frame = rect; [uiview commitanimations]; } - (void)keyboardwillhide:(nsnotification *)notif { [self setviewmovedup:no]; } - (void)keyboardwillshow:(nsnotification *)notif{ [self setviewmovedup:yes]; } - (void)textfielddidbeginediting:(uitextfield *)textfield { stayup = yes; [self setviewmovedup:yes]; } - (void)textfielddidendediting:(uitextfield *)textfield { stayup = no; [self setviewmovedup:no]; } - (void)viewwillappear:(bool)animated { [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] addobserver:self selector:@selector(keyboardwillshow:) name:uikeyboardwillshownotification object:self.view.window]; [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] addobserver:self selector:@selector(keyboardwillhide:) name:uikeyboardwillhidenotification object:self.view.window]; } - (void)viewwilldisappear:(bool)animated { // unregister keyboard notifications while not visible. [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] removeobserver:self name:uikeyboardwillshownotification object:nil]; [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] removeobserver:self name:uikeyboardwillhidenotification object:nil]; }
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