c# - How can I generate Service Model Metadata without rebooting -

i have simple wcf service application (based on tutorial :getting started ). problem when add function application , want re-generate proxy.cs file using command below:

c:\kod>svcutil.exe /language:cs /out:proxy.cs /config:app.config http://localhos t:8000/pbmb

i following result. solution know re-generate files reboot computer. doing every time change frustrating. can help?


microsoft (r) service model metadata tool [microsoft (r) windows (r) communication foundation, version 4.0.30319.1] copyright (c) microsoft corporation. rights reserved.

attempting download metadata 'http://localhost:8000/pbmb' using ws-metad ata exchange or disco. error: cannot import wsdl:porttype detail: exception thrown while running wsdl import extension: system.se rvicemodel.description.datacontractserializermessagecontractimporter error: schema target namespace 'http://pbmb' not found. xpath error source: //wsdl:definitions[@targetnamespace='http://pbmb']/wsdl:p orttype[@name='iservice']

error: cannot import wsdl:binding detail: there error importing wsdl:porttype wsdl:binding de pendent on. xpath wsdl:porttype: //wsdl:definitions[@targetnamespace='http://pbmb']/wsdl: porttype[@name='iservice'] xpath error source: //wsdl:definitions[@targetnamespace='http://tempuri.org/' ]/wsdl:binding[@name='wshttpbinding_iservice']

error: cannot import wsdl:port detail: there error importing wsdl:binding wsdl:port depend ent on. xpath wsdl:binding: //wsdl:definitions[@targetnamespace='http://tempuri.org/' ]/wsdl:binding[@name='wshttpbinding_iservice'] xpath error source: //wsdl:definitions[@targetnamespace='http://tempuri.org/' ]/wsdl:service[@name='pbmbservice']/wsdl:port[@name='wshttpbinding_iservice']

generating files... warning: no code generated. if trying generate client, because metadata docu ments did not contain valid contracts or services or because contracts/services discovered exist in /reference assembl ies. verify passed metadata documents tool.

warning: if generate data contracts schemas make sure use /datacontractonly option.

(disclaimer, i'm no means expert in area got intrigued , googled around bit)

is possible account under service running changes when make change service , restart it? default runs under iis when start computer when modify start under cassini or that?

the reason ask because according this blog post wcf service needs have write access temp folder since performs dynamic code generation , needs place store it.

just thought worth considering.

more detail:


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