cocoa - Mind boggling QTMovie export crash -

hey guys... i'm @ wits end here. i've been focusing on issue last 3 days seems, , i'm still no closer solving it. i've got queue of videos i'm converting 1 after other in background thread. of time works expected, every often, weird crash, @ same point. can't life of me figure out why it's happening. i've got garbage collection enabled. here conversion code.

here stack trace.

edit: after bit more debugging, conclusion maybe garbage collector related. if place following line before line converts video, drastic increase in amount of these errors see...

[[nsgarbagecollector defaultcollector] collectexhaustively];

nsinvalidargumentexception  -[nspathstore2 objectforkey:]: unrecognized selector sent instance 0x1073570  (     0   corefoundation                      0x92fc16ba __raiseerror + 410     1   libobjc.a.dylib                     0x901b4509 objc_exception_throw + 56     2   corefoundation                      0x9300e90b -[nsobject(nsobject) doesnotrecognizeselector:] + 187     3   corefoundation                      0x92f67c36 ___forwarding___ + 950     4   corefoundation                      0x92f67802 _cf_forwarding_prep_0 + 50     5   qtkit                               0x903d3280 movieprogressproc + 62     6   quicktime                           0x95a66062 convertfileprogress + 212     7   quicktime3gpp                       0x1e7bcaa2 spit3gp2_progress + 180     8   quicktime3gpp                       0x1e7c01d8 spit3gp2_fromprocedurestodataref + 3438     9   carboncore                          0x90b0d054 _zl38callcomponentfunctioncommonwithstorageppcp19componentparameterspflvem + 54     10  quicktime3gpp                       0x1e7be33d spit3gp2_componentdispatch + 129     11  carboncore                          0x90b057c9 callcomponentdispatch + 29     12  quicktime                           0x95befb97 movieexportfromprocedurestodataref + 49     13  quicktime3gpp                       0x1e7bdf84 spit3gp2_todataref + 1987     14  carboncore                          0x90b1865d callcomponentstorage_4444444 + 63     15  carboncore                          0x90b0d054 _zl38callcomponentfunctioncommonwithstorageppcp19componentparameterspflvem + 54     16  quicktime3gpp                       0x1e7be33d spit3gp2_componentdispatch + 129     17  carboncore                          0x90b057c9 callcomponentdispatch + 29     18  quicktime                           0x95befbe2 movieexporttodataref + 73     19  quicktime                           0x95a6e9bb convertmovietodataref_priv + 1690     20  quicktime                           0x95bdc591 convertmovietodataref + 71     21  qtkit                               0x903e0954 -[qtmovie_quicktime writetodatareference:withattributes:error:] + 2692     22  qtkit                               0x903c5110 -[qtmovie_quicktime writetofile:withattributes:error:] + 111     23  mevee                               0x0005871d -[conversionqueue convertvideo:] + 509     24  mevee                               0x00058341 -[conversionqueue startconvertingitems] + 145     25  foundation                          0x9520fbf0 -[nsthread main] + 45     26  foundation                          0x9520fba0 __nsthread__main__ + 1499     27  libsystem.b.dylib                   0x9475a85d _pthread_start + 345     28  libsystem.b.dylib                   0x9475a6e2 thread_start + 34 )  - (id) init         {             if(!(self = [super init])) return self;              convertingindex = 0;             conversionpaths = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init];             [conversionpaths addobject:@"/users/morgan/desktop/convertable media/movies/2 fast 2 furious/2 fast 2 furious.mp4"];             [conversionpaths addobject:@"/users/morgan/desktop/convertable media/movies/101 dalmations/101 dalmations.mp4"];             [conversionpaths addobject:@"/users/morgan/desktop/convertable media/movies/300/300.mp4"];             [conversionpaths addobject:@"/users/morgan/desktop/convertable media/movies/1408/1408.mp4"];             [conversionpaths addobject:@"/users/morgan/desktop/convertable media/movies/a few men/a few men.mp4"];             [conversionpaths addobject:@"/users/morgan/desktop/convertable media/movies/a goofy movie/a goofy movie.mp4"];             [conversionpaths addobject:@"/users/morgan/desktop/convertable media/movies/a single man/a single man.mp4"];             [conversionpaths addobject:@"/users/morgan/desktop/convertable media/movies/a view kill/a view kill.mp4"];             [conversionpaths addobject:@"/users/morgan/desktop/convertable media/movies/across universe/across universe.mp4"];              backgroundthread = [[nsthread alloc] initwithtarget:self selector:@selector(startconvertingitems) object:nil];             [backgroundthread start];              return self;         }          - (void) startprocessingqueue         {          }          - (void) startconvertingitems         {             nsinteger iterations = 0;             while(iterations < 100)             {                 nsstring* nextpath = [conversionpaths objectatindex:convertingindex];                  nslog(@"iteration %d", iterations);                 [self convertvideo:nextpath];                  convertingindex += 1;                 if(convertingindex >= [conversionpaths count])                     convertingindex = 0;                  iterations += 1;             }         }          - (void) openmovieonmainthread:(nsstring*)path         {             nserror* error = nil;             movie = [[qtmovie alloc] initwithfile:path error:&error];              if(movie == nil || error != nil || ![movie detachfromcurrentthread])                 movie = nil;         }          - (void) closemovieonmainthread         {             //[movie attachtocurrentthread];             //[movie release];         }          - (bool) convertvideo: (nsstring*)path         {             [self performselectoronmainthread:@selector(openmovieonmainthread:) withobject:path waituntildone:yes];              if(movie == nil) {                 nslog(@"error opening movie");                 return no;             }              [qtmovie enterqtkitonthreaddisablingthreadsafetyprotection];             [movie attachtocurrentthread];             [movie setdelegate:self];              nsstring* tempitempath = @"/users/morgan/desktop/test.mp4";              nsdictionary *attrs = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:                                    [nsnumber numberwithbool:yes], qtmovieexport,                                    [nsnumber numberwithlong:'3gpp'], qtmovieexporttype,                                    nil];              nserror* error = nil;              if(![movie writetofile:tempitempath withattributes:attrs error:&error]) {                 nslog(@"error converting movie");                 return no;             }              [movie invalidate];             [movie detachfromcurrentthread];              [qtmovie exitqtkitonthread];             [self performselectoronmainthread:@selector(closemovieonmainthread) withobject:nil waituntildone:yes];              return yes;         }          - (bool)movie:(qtmovie *)amovie shouldcontinueoperation:(nsstring *)op withphase:(qtmovieoperationphase)phase atpercent:(nsnumber *)percent withattributes:(nsdictionary *)attributes         {             switch (phase)              {                 case qtmovieoperationbeginphase:                     nslog(@"conversion started");                     break;                 case qtmovieoperationupdatepercentphase:                     nslog(@"conversion progress: %f", [percent floatvalue]);                     break;                 case qtmovieoperationendphase:                     nslog(@"conversion finished.");                     break;             }              return yes;         } 

ahhh... found out stupid garbage collector. reworked app work reference counting rather garbage collection, , smooth sailing. has else come across similar garbage collection bugs? had strong reference root object movie file, don't think problem.


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